Onder-Weg van Huis: Story concert about refugee children

CultuurMolen vzw is a small cultural organization in Mechelen. They offer qualitative and small-scale (inter) cultural experiences in the form of concerts, lectures, theater performances, etc. With CultuurMolen vzw wants to contribute to a better society, to more connection and understanding between people. That is why they made a performance about child refugees. This performance can be booked for adults and young people from 12 years of age, through organizations and schools. For schools there is an educational folder with material to use during the lessons as preparation or after discussion. Would you like more information or would you like to book this show? Then read what we say about it here:

Children are supposed to be children. Without worries, without too many obligations, without too many responsibilities. Unfortunately, this is not the case for every child. There are currently around 30 million children on the run worldwide. Sometimes with their family, sometimes alone. Fled for war, violence, extreme poverty and natural disasters. Causes they cannot do anything about, but for which they pay the highest price. Learning, playing, growing up healthy in a safe environment: that is not possible for them.

During the show Onder-Weg van Huis you will be on the run with two child refugees. Batoul is from Syria. Together with her mother and brother Amjad, she fled after her father and sister Maryam died in an attack with a mortar grenade. Sat Paal is a boy from the Sikh community in Afghanistan. The Sikh form a minority group there. After Sat Paal's brother Parameet is murdered, the family decides to leave the country and look elsewhere for their happiness and safety. On their journey, both child refugees are confronted with many obstacles and fears. Supported by live music you take a look at their not so everyday life.

Text: Bart Happaerts
Musical accompaniment: Katja Vander Poorten and Daithi Rua

This is what the audience says:
"Warm beautiful intense evening. Enchanting. Should be played at every school. An enrichment for the young people."
"Very beautiful and moving."
"So worth the effort! Beautiful live music and catchy stories. This is so important! Let's see each other again as people, not as statistics."

Would you like more information about this performance? Or would you like to book this show? Send a message or take a look at the website, we will contact you as soon as possible.



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CultuurMolen vzw